Optometry and Ophthalmology MCQ pdf part: 03 by Optometry fans

Optometry and Ophthalmology MCQ pdf part: 03

Optometry and Ophthalmology MCQ pdf part: 03

01. The bending of a beam of light when it passes obliquely from one medium to another is known as _______.

  1. reflection
  2. refraction✓
  3. dispersion
  4. deviation

02. Ray of light passes without deviation, if pass through

  1. optical centre
  2. focus
  3. centre of curvature✓
  4. pole

03. Convex lens always gives a real image if the object is situated beyond _______.

  1. optical centre
  2. centre of curvature
  3. focus✓
  4. radius of curvature

04. Parallel rays of light entering a convex lens always converge to _______.

  1. centre of curvature
  2. the principal focus✓
  3. optical centre
  4. the focal plane

05. Where should an object be placed so that a real and inverted image of the same size is obtained, using a convex lens?

  1. Between O and F
  2. At F
  3. At 2 F✓
  4. At infinity

06. SI unit of the power of a lens is ___________.

  1. dioptre✓
  2. cm
  3. metre
  4. watt

07. 1 D is the power of the lens of focal length of ______ cm.

  1. 100✓
  2. 10
  3. 1/100
  4. 1/10

08. In a simple microscope lens used is __________.

  1. biconvex✓
  2. biconcave
  3. plano convex
  4. cylindrical

09. Reciprocal of focal length in metres is known as the ______ of a lens.

  1. focus
  2. power✓
  3. power of accommodation
  4. far point

10. A convex lens is called _________.

  1. converging lens✓
  2. diverging lens
  3. both converging and diverging lens
  4. refracting lens

11. A positive magnification greater than unity indicates _____________________.

  1. real image
  2. virtual image✓
  3. neither real not virtual image
  4. distorted image

12. The power of a convex lens of focal length 50 cm is ______.

  1. + 2D✓
  2. +50D
  3. +1/50 D
  4. +0.5D

13. The focal length of a lens whose power is -1.5 D is _______.

  1. -66.66 cm✓
  2. -3/2 m
  3. +66.66cm
  4. -1.5 m

14. Real images formed by single convex lenses are always ________________.

  1. on the same side of the lens as the object
  2. inverted✓
  3. erect
  4. smaller than the object

15. An object is placed 12 cm from a convex lens whose focal length is 10 cm. The image must be.

  1. virtual and enlarged
  2. virtual and reduced in size
  3. real and reduced in size
  4. real and enlarged✓

16. A concave mirror give real image with same size if positioned at

  1. Infinity
  2. Optical centre
  3. Focus point
  4. Centre of curvature✓

17. The of AR coating is based on the property

  1. A. Total internal reflection
  2. B. Refraction
  3. C. Diffraction
  4. D. Interference✓

18. A standard size (1.2mm) pinhole may correct refractive error upto

  1. A.1D
  2. B. 3D✓
  3. C. 10D
  4. D. Any power

19. Types of visual acuity include all except

  1. A. Minimum visible
  2. B. Minimum separable
  3. C. Maximum resolvable✓
  4. D. Hyper acuity

20. When correcting hypermetropia, if Plus lens placed away from eye, the reqired power to correct will be

  1. A. Lower✓
  2. B. Higher
  3. C. Same
  4. D. Higher in case of high hypermetropia
Moving lens away from the eye increases effective plus power

Note: In a hyperope, far point is behind eye, Moving lens forward moves its focal point forward. So the Lens is further away from far point of eye, To match far point of eye, we need longer focal length (lower power) plus lens.
Similarly, Moving lens toward eye decreases effective plus power
The closer the lens is to the eye, the greater the power required to correct the same
amount of hyperopia. To remember this, remember about aphakia, aphakia spectacle correction is around +10D and IOL around +20D

21. Distometer is used for measuring

  1. A. Visual acuity
  2. B. Power of lens
  3. C. Vertex distance✓
  4. D. Contrast sensitivity

22. In accommodation, convexity of the lens

  1. A. Increase
  2. B. Decrease
  3. C. No change
  4. D. None

23. In hypermetropia far point of the eye is

  1. A. Real and infront of the eye
  2. B. Virtual and infront of the eye
  3. C. Real and behind the eye
  4. D. Virtual and behind the eye✓

24. Minimum plus correction required for clear vision at distance shows

  1. A. Total hypermetropia
  2. B. Absolute hypermetropia
  3. C. Latent hypermetropia
  4. B. Manifest hypermetropia

25. Transpose +4.00 +2.00 x 105

  1. A. +6.00 -2.00 x 105
  2. B. +2.00 +2.00 x 15
  3. C. +6.00 -2.00 x 15✓
  4. D. +4.00 -2.00 x 15

26. Spherical equivalent of -1.00 + 2.00 x 135

  1. A. +1.00
  2. B. 0.0✓
  3. C. -1.00
  4. D. +1.5

27. While doing retinoscopy, At the neutralization point, far point of eye is at

  1. A. Infinity
  2. B. Behind the eye
  3. C. Anywhere depending on power of the eye
  4. D. At the position of retinoscope✓

Note: Far point of eye may be at any point depending on the power of the eye, in retinoscopy we are bringing that to the position of retinoscpe. Any eye including emmetropic, At the neutralization point the far point will be on the peephole of retinoscpe. Or simply, with that neutralizing power eye is intentionally made myopic with far point at position of retinoscpe. That is then corrected as distance correction in PMT.

28. Impact-resistance is less for

  1. A. Glass✓
  2. B. CR39
  3. C. Polycarbonate
  4. D. Plastic

29. Arden grating is used for evaluation of

  1. A. Distance vision
  2. B. Colour vision
  3. C. Contrast sensitivity✓
  4. D. Diplopia

30. Optokinetic nystagmus test is a

  1. A. Detection acuity test
  2. B. Recognition acuity test
  3. C. Direction identification test
  4. D. Resolution acuity test✓

OKN, PLT, VER etc are Resolution acuity tests
Snellen’s E and Landolt’s broken ring tests are direction identification tests.

31. Which etiologic type of aniseikonia is easily correctable

  1. A. Optical aniseikonia✓
  2. B. Retinal aniseikonia
  3. C. Cortical aniseikonia
  4. D. All are equally easy

32. All are features of convergence spasm except

  1. A. Intermittent diplopia
  2. B. Blurring of vision
  3. C. Mydriasis✓
  4. D. Induced myopia

33. Where should an object be placed so that a real and inverted image of the same size is obtained, using a convex lens?

  1. Between O and F
  2. At F
  3. At 2 F✓
  4. At infinity

34. SI unit of the power of a lens is ___________.

  1. dioptre✓
  2. cm
  3. metre
  4. watt

35. 1 D is the power of the lens of focal length of ______ cm.

  1. 100✓
  2. 10
  3. 1/100
  4. 1/10

Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet; Nd:Y3Al5O12) is a crystal that is
used as a lasing medium for solid-state lasers.

36. Frequency-doubled Nd:YAG lasers are used in

  1. Refractive surgery
  2. Diabetic retinopathy✓
  3. Both
  4. None

37. Nd:YAG laser comes under

  1. A. Ultraviolet
  2. B. Infrared✓
  3. C. X-ray
  4. D. Visible spectrum

38. Laser commonly used for peripheral iridotomy

  1. A. Nd:YAG✓
  2. B. Argon
  3. C. Excimer
  4. D. All

39. Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is done using

  1. A. Nd:YAG
  2. B. Argon
  3. C. Excimer✓
  4. D. All

40. Sulphonamide drug is

  1. A. Antibiotic✓
  2. B. Antifungal
  3. C. Antiviral
  4. D. Antiallergic
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