Optometry and Ophthalmology mcq part: 15

Optometry and Ophthalmology mcq part: 15

ophthalmology mcq,ophthalmology mcq book,mcq in ophthalmology,

01. Fleischer ring is due to depostion of

  1. A. Iron✓
  2. B. Copper
  3. C. Sodium
  4. D. Calcium

Fleischer rings are pigmented rings in the peripheral cornea, resulting from iron
deposition in keratoconus. Kayser-Fleischer rings are caused by copper deposits in
descemet's membrane of the cornea

02. Arlt’s line is seen with

  1. A. Membranous conjunctivitis
  2. B. Trachoma✓
  3. C. Pterygium
  4. D. Conjunctival xerosis

03. Soemmering’s ring is seen in

  1. A. Cornea
  2. B. Iris
  3. C. Lens✓
  4. D. Retina

04. Bitot's spots are seen on

  1. A. Conjunctiva✓
  2. B. Cornea
  3. C. Sclera
  4. D. Retina

05. Brushfield spots are seen on

  1. A. Cornea
  2. B. Iris✓
  3. C. Lens
  4. D. Retina

06. Foster-Fuchs’ spot at the macula are seen in

  1. A. Pathological myopia✓
  2. B. ARMD
  3. C. UV burn to eye
  4. D. Retinal detachment

07. Weiss ring is associated with

  1. A. Proliferative vitreous detachment✓
  2. B. Retinal detachment
  3. C. Macular degeneration
  4. D. After cataract

08. Wessley ring is located on

  1. A. Cornea✓
  2. B. Lens
  3. C. Iris
  4. D. Retina

09. Ehrlich-Turck Lines are seen in

  1. A. Uveitis✓
  2. B. Retinal detachment
  3. C. papilledema
  4. D. Pathological myopia

10. Corneal ring infiltrates are classical sign of

  1. A. Acanthamoeba keratitis✓
  2. B. Superficial punctate keratitis
  3. C. Herpes simplex keratitis
  4. D. Keratomalacia

Corneal ring infiltrates are classical sign of Acanthamoeba keratitis, it is also seen rarely
with bacterial infection like staphylococcus.
Ring of stromal infiltrate (Wessley immune ring) is seen in herpes simplex infection

11. In Corneal graft rejection, Khodadoust line is present on the layer

  1. A. Epithelium
  2. B. Stroma
  3. C. Descemets membrane
  4. D. Endothelium✓

In corneal graft rejection Krachmer spots are seen in Bowman's membrane.

12. In xerophthalmia, bitots spots appear on

  1. A. Conjunctiva✓
  2. B. Sclera
  3. C. Cornea
  4. D. Retina

13. Elschnig spots are seen in

  1. A. Hypertensive choroidopathy✓
  2. B. Diabetic retinopathy
  3. C. After cataract
  4. D. Cicatricial ectropion

Elschnig's spots: seen in Hypertensive choriodopathy
Elschnig's pearls(Elschnig's bodies): a type of after cataract
Elschnig's scleral ring : Scleral ring is a white circular band that separates the
intrapapillary region of optic disc from the peripapillary area.The scleral ring itself does
not belong to optic disc.This is important for all optic disc measurements because the
inclusion of scleral ring as part of optic disc falsely enlarges the neuroretinal rim & decreases cup/disc ratio.Loss of nerve fiber layer in Glaucoma can make the scleral ring
more visible due to loss of overlying tissue.
Elschnig's conjunctivitis: Chronic conjunctivitis associated with hyperplasia of the tarsal
gland and the frothy secretions
Z-plasty (Elschnig's operation): is useful to correct mild to moderate degree of cicatricial
Elschnig's syndrome(Elschnig’s complex): Also known as Blepharo-cheilo-dentin (BCD)
syndrome. Features include ectropion of lower eyelids, distichiasis of upper eyelids,
euryblepharon(symmetrical enlargement of the palpebral aperture associated with large
eyelids), bilaterally cleft lip/palate, oligodontia, and conical crown form. Initially known
under the eponym Elschnig syndrome.
Elschnig's theory: Elschnig suggested the anaphylactic theory of the pathogenesis of
sympathetic ophthalmia. According to this theory, it is not a question of a particular
infection, but of an anaphylactoid inflammation against the body’s own uvea tissue.
Under certain conditions, uvea tissue damaged by trauma will act as an antigen and
subsequently occasion a sensibilisation of the body’s own uvea albumin. This causes an
anaphylactic uveitis on the undamaged eye.
Elschnig's intracapsular forceps: fine untoothed forceps for holding tissue, swabs,
sutures, etc; removing things like clots, capsule fragments, lens, etc; used in cataract

14. In Purkinje images test, Aphakia shows

  1. A. 4 images
  2. B. 3 images
  3. C. 2 images✓
  4. D. 1 image

15. In mature cataract, which of the following is correct

  1. A. Only first Purkinje image is visible
  2. B. 3rd and 4th Purkinje images are absent
  3. C. 4th Purkinje image is absent✓
  4. D. All four Purkinje images are visible

16. In pseudophakia how many Purkinje images are visible

  1. A. 1
  2. B. 2
  3. C. 3
  4. D. 4✓

17. Purkinje image which is inverted

  1. A. 1st
  2. B. 2nd
  3. C. 3rd
  4. D. 4th✓

18. Placido's disc use which Purkinje image

  1. A. 1st✓
  2. B. 2nd
  3. C. 3rd
  4. D. 4th

Purkinje images are also known as Purkinje reflexes and as Purkinje–Sanson images.
  • 1st Purkinje image is the reflection from the anterior surface of the cornea.
  • 2nd Purkinje image is the reflection from the posterior surface of the cornea.
  • 3rd Purkinje image is the reflection from the anterior surface of the lens.
  • 4th Purkinje image is the reflection from the posterior surface of the lens.
First 4 are convex surfaces, but 4th is Concave so unlike others 4th is inverted imimage

19. Digital tonometry is done using

  1. A. Fingers✓
  2. B. Schiotz tonometer
  3. C. Applanation tonometer
  4. D. Non contact tonometer

20. Most accurate measurement of IOP

  1. A. Digital tonometry
  2. B. Schiotz tonometry
  3. C. Applanation tonometry✓
  4. D. All

21. If Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) is higher than normal, the original IOP will be ____ IOP measured using tonometer.

  1. A. Less than✓
  2. B. More than
  3. C. Same as
  4. D. Zero

22. Advantage of schiotz tonometry include all except

  1. A. Accurate✓
  2. B. Easy to use
  3. C. Cheap
  4. D. Portable

23. Central Corneal Thickness (CCT) is measured using

  1. A. Tonometer
  2. B. Keratometer
  3. C. Pachymeter✓
  4. D. Gonioscope

24. In direct ophthalmoscopy image magnification is

  1. A. No magnification
  2. B. 3-5 times
  3. C. 10 times
  4. D. 15 times✓

25. In direct ophthalmoscopy image is

  1. A. Virtual and irect✓
  2. B. Virtual and inverted
  3. C. Real and irect
  4. D. Real and inverted

26. In indirect ophthalmoscopy image is

  1. A. Virtual and irect
  2. B. Virtual and inverted
  3. C. Real and irect
  4. D. Real and inverted✓

27. Distant direct ophthalmoscopy is performed at

  1. A. 25mm
  2. B. 25 cm✓
  3. C. 1m
  4. D. 6m

28. In indirect ophthalmoscopy Area of field seen is

  1. A. Upto macula
  2. B. Upto lamina cribrosa
  3. C. Upto ora serrata✓
  4. D. Upto equator

29. In retinoscopy, if the distance between patient and examiner is increased, the distance correction needed will

  1. A. Increase
  2. B. Decrease✓
  3. C. Remain same
  4. D. None

30. Retinoscopy is

  1. A. Subjective method of finding the refractive error
  2. B. Objective method of finding the refractive error✓
  3. C. Subjective method of Correcting the refractive error
  4. D. Objective method of Correcting the refractive error

31. In retinoscopy using plane mirror at 1m, Movement of red reflex opposite to the movement of the retinoscope indicate

  1. A. Myopia more than 1 D✓
  2. B. Myopia less than 1 D
  3. C. Myopia of 1 D
  4. D. Hypermetropia

32. In retinoscopy, drug correction for Phenyl ephrine is

  1. A. 1.00D
  2. B. 0.75D
  3. C. 0.50D
  4. D. 0.00D✓

33. In wet retinoscopy using Atropine at 1m, No movement of red reflex indicate

  1. A. Myopia of 1D
  2. B. Myopia of 1.5D
  3. C. Myopia of 2D✓
  4. D. Myopia of 2.5D

34. In retinoscopy, if the distance between patient and examiner is increased, the distance correction needed will

  1. A. Increase
  2. B. Decrease✓
  3. C. Remain same
  4. D. None

35. Retinoscopy is

  1. A. Subjective method of finding the refractive error
  2. B. Objective method of finding the refractive error✓
  3. C. Subjective method of Correcting the refractive error
  4. D. Objective method of Correcting the refractive error

36. In retinoscopy using plane mirror at 1m, Movement of red reflex opposite to the movement of the retinoscope indicate

  1. A. Myopia more than 1 D✓
  2. B. Myopia less than 1 D
  3. C. Myopia of 1 D
  4. D. Hypermetropia

37. In retinoscopy, drug correction for Phenyl ephrine is

  1. A. 1.00D
  2. B. 0.75D
  3. C. 0.50D
  4. D. 0.00D✓

38. In wet retinoscopy using Atropine at 1m, No movement of red reflex indicate

  1. A. Myopia of 1D
  2. B. Myopia of 1.5D
  3. C. Myopia of 2D✓
  4. D. Myopia of 2.5D

39. FRIEND Test can be used for

  1. A. refinement of final sphere in refraction
  2. B. Assessment of BSV
  3. C. Both✓
  4. D. None

FRIEND test can be used as alternative to Worth 4 dot test and Duochrome test.
In FRIEND test, Letters RED is in red colour and FIN in green colour.
For subjective refinement, If RED is clear eye is myopic, and if FIN is clear eye is
hypermeropic. If both similar emmetropic.

33. All the four recti originate from

  1. A. common annular tendon around optic foramen✓
  2. B. floor of orbit
  3. C. roof of orbit
  4. D. equator of eyeball

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