Optometry And Ophthalmology MCQ part: 18

Optometry And Ophthalmology MCQ part: 18 

ophthalmology mcq,optometry mcq,mcq in ophthalmology,ophthalmology mcq book pdf,

01. The sensory nerve supply of the eye is by the

  1. a. optic nerve
  2. b. third cranial nerve
  3. c. fifth cranial nerve✓
  4. d. seventh cranial nerve
  • Ophthalmic nerve (part of the trigeminal nerve, CN V): This nerve has three branches: The lacrimal nerve runs to the lacrimal gland and gives off branches to the conjunctiva and skin of the superior eyelid.
  • The frontal nerve enters through the superior orbital fissure and provides sensory innervation to the superior eyelid, scalp, and forehead. The nasociliary nerve is the sensory nerve to the eyeball. It also has branches that serve the orbit and other parts of the face. One of its branches, the infratrochlear nerve, supplies the eyelids, conjunctiva, and lacrimal sac.

02. Which of the following nerve is not a motor nerve to extra ocular muscles?

  1. a) 3rd cranial nerve
  2. b) 4th cranial nerve
  3. c) 5th cranial nerve✓
  4. d) 6th cranial nerve

03. Which of the following is an essential nucleus for pupillary light reflex:

  1. a) Central grey matter.
  2. b) 3rd cranial nerve.
  3. c) Edinger Westphal nucleus.✓
  4. d) Pontine nuclei.

04. Following structure does not pass through annulus tendinosus:

  1. a) Optic nerve.
  2. b) Trochlear nerve.✓
  3. c) Abducent nerve.
  4. d) Nasociliary nerve.

05. Pupil reflex fibres pass from retina to Edengar Westphal nucleus:

  1. a) Directly.
  2. b) Via visual cortex.
  3. c) Via hypothalamus.
  4. d) Superior colliculus.✓

06. Retinal blood supply is derived:

  1. a) Only from central retinal artery.
  2. b) Only from choroidal arteries.
  3. c) From ophthalmic artery✓
  4. d) From anterior communicating.

07. The change unlikely to occur in eyes during the near vision is:

  1. a) Contraction of ciliary muscles.
  2. b) Constriction of pupil.
  3. c) Convergence of eye balls.
  4. d) Stimulation of sympathetic nerves.✓

08. A middle aged man is diagnosed to have a pituitary tumor damaging the center of the optic chiasma. The type of hemianopia in this man will be:

  1. a) Binasal.
  2. b) Bitemporal.✓
  3. c) Homonymous.
  4. d) Nasal.

09. A young man was able to see but could not interpret what was being seen. He was diagnosed to have word blindness. He was most likely to have lesion in:

  1. a) Optic chiasma.
  2. b) Optic tract.
  3. c) Primary visual cortex.
  4. d) Visual association area.✓

10. The cortical area involved in the control of voluntary eye fixation is:

  1. a) Angular gyrus.
  2. b) Frontal eye field.✓
  3. c) Primary visual area.
  4. d) Visual association area.

11. When the pupil is dilated, there is decreased:

  1. a) Amount of light falling on the retina.
  2. b) Chromatic aberrations.
  3. c) Depth of focus of the image.✓
  4. d) Spherical aberrations.

12. The corneal reflex pathway involves:

  1. a) Brain stem.✓
  2. b) Lateral geniculate body.
  3. c) Cerebral cortex.
  4. d) Optic nerve.

13. Lesion of the optic tract causes

  1. a. homonymous hemianopia✓
  2. b. bitemporal hemianopia
  3. c. binasal hemianopia
  4. d. ipsilateral blindness

14. Scotopic vision is due to

  1. a. cones
  2. b. rods✓
  3. c. both
  4. d. none

15. Visual acuity is a record of

  1. a. light sense
  2. b. form sense✓
  3. c. contrast sense
  4. d. colour sense

16. Visual centre is situated in

  1. a. parietal lobe
  2. b. frontal lobe
  3. c. midbrain
  4. d. occipital lobe✓

17. Optic nerve extends up to

  1. a. optic chiasma✓
  2. b. optic tracts
  3. c. lateral geniculate body
  4. d. optic radiations

18. The normal field of vision superiorly is:

  1. a) 90 degrees.
  2. b) 60 degrees.✓
  3. c) 70 degrees.
  4. d) 45 degrees.

The field of vision is the total area in which objects can be seen while fixing straight
ahead. The extent of the normal visual field is limited in an individual by anatomical
features such as the brow superiorly, the nose nasally and the cheek inferiorly. It is seen
that the field for a white target extends 60° upwards, rather more than 90° outwards, 70°
downwards and 60° inwards. The extent varies with illumination, size of the test-object,
contrast of the test-object vis-à-vis the background, and the state of adaptation of the

19. Highest visual resolution is seen in

  1. a. macula lutea
  2. b. fovea centralis✓
  3. c. optic disc
  4. d. ora serrata

20. Second order neurons in the optic pathway are present in

  1. a. superior colliculus
  2. b. retina✓
  3. c. medial geniculate body
  4. d. lateral geniculate body

21. The sensory nerve supply of the eye is by the

  1. a. optic nerve
  2. b. third cranial nerve
  3. c. fifth cranial nerve✓
  4. d. seventh cranial nerve
Ophthalmic nerve (part of the trigeminal nerve, CN V): This nerve has three branches:
The lacrimal nerve runs to the lacrimal gland and gives off branches to the conjunctiva
and skin of the superior eyelid.
The frontal nerve enters through the superior orbital fissure and provides sensory
innervation to the superior eyelid, scalp, and forehead.
The nasociliary nerve is the sensory nerve to the eyeball. It also has branches that serve
the orbit and other parts of the face. One of its branches, the infratrochlear nerve,
supplies the eyelids, conjunctiva, and lacrimal sac.

22. Drug that cause Retinopathy due to long term usage

  1. A. Chloramphenicol
  2. B. Chloroquine✓
  3. C. Phenylephrine
  4. D. Cortical steroids

23. Scleral buckling is done in

  1. A. Diabetic retinopathy
  2. B. Hypertensive retinopathy
  3. C. Retinal detachment✓
  4. D. Angle closure glaucoma

24. Most common cause of optic atrophy in young patients is

  1. A. Multiple sclerosis✓
  2. B. Toxic amblyopia
  3. C. Steroid use
  4. D. Trauma

25. Leasions in optic chiasma is mostly due to

  1. A. Bony erosion
  2. B. Pituitary gland tumours✓
  3. C. Craniopharyngioma
  4. D. Trauma

26. FFA sign seen in Central serous chorioretinopathy

  1. A. Ink blot pattern
  2. B. Smoke stack pattern
  3. C. Flower petal appearance
  4. D. A&B✓

27. FFA sign seen in Cystoid macular oedema

  1. A. Ink blot pattern
  2. B. Smoke stack pattern
  3. C. Flower petal appearance✓
  4. D. Hyperflourescence

28. In FFA, usually the dye is injected into

  1. A. Popliteal vein
  2. B. Anticubital vein✓
  3. C. Subclavian vein
  4. D. Femoral vein

29. Average Arm-to-Retina circulation time

  1. A. 5-9 sec
  2. B. 10-15 sec✓
  3. C. 5-8 min
  4. D. 10-15 min

30. Hypoflourescence is seen in all except

  1. A. Block flourescence
  2. B. Leakage of dye✓
  3. C. Blocked retinal or choroidal circulation
  4. D. Loss of vascular tissue
Leakage of the dye cause hyper flourescence

31. Length of intra orbital part of optic nerve

  1. A. 47-50mm
  2. B. 25-30mm✓
  3. C. 10-16mm
  4. D. 5-9mm

32. The optic nerve consists of axons that arise from

  1. A. Rods and cones
  2. B. Bipolar cells
  3. C. Ganglion cells✓
  4. D. Amacrine cells

33. Fibres originating from the nasal halves of the both eyes decussate at

  1. A. Optic chiasma✓
  2. B. Optic tract
  3. C. Lateral geniculate body
  4. D. Visual cortex

34. optic tract consists of fibres from

  1. A. Temporal half of the same eye and nasal half of opposite eye✓
  2. B. Nasal half of the same eye and temporal half of opposite eye
  3. C. Nasal half of both eyes
  4. D. Temporal half of both eyes

35. Optic radiations extend from

  1. A. Retina to optic chiasma
  2. B. Optic chiasma to Lateral geniculate body
  3. C. Optic chiasma to visual cortex
  4. D. Lateral geniculate body to visual cortex✓

36. Condition which Produce Visual Loss with a Normal Fundus

  1. A. Amblyopia
  2. B. Retrobulbar neuritis
  3. C. Chiasmal tumour
  4. D. All✓

37. Candle wax spots are seen in retina

  1. A. Syphilis
  2. B. Sarcoidosis✓
  3. C. Toxocariasis
  4. D. Toxoplasmosis

38. Snowball is a sign of

  1. A. Tuberculosis
  2. B. Leprosy
  3. C. Parsplanitis✓
  4. D. VKH syndrome

39. Snowbank is a sign of

  1. A. Tuberculosis
  2. B. Leprosy
  3. C. Parsplanitis✓
  4. D. VKH syndrome
Pars planitis is considered a subset of intermediate uveitis and is characterized by the
presence of white exudates (snowbanks) over the pars plana or by aggregates of
inflammatory cells in the vitreous (snowballs) in the absence of an infectious or a
systemic disease

40. In absence of light pupil will

  1. A. Dilate✓
  2. B. Constrict
  3. C. Remains same
  4. D. None

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