Spasm of accommodation bilateral, causes, symptoms and treatment


Spasm of accomodation means the abnormally extra accommodative power exerted by ciliary muscle in to the eye it's happened due to excessive near work, due to using some drugs.

This is abnormal conditions of eye where patient suffer from headache, pain in eye, eye tiredness.


Spasm of accommodation refers to exertion of abnormally excessive accommodation.

Causes of spasm of accomodation

Couses and etiology of spasm of accommodation as follow.

1. Drug induced spasm of accommodation is known to occur after use of strong miotics such as echothiophate and DFP.

2. Spontaneous spasm of accommodation is occasionally found in children who attempt to compensate for a refractive anomaly that impairs their vision. 

It usually occurs when the eyes are used for excessive near work in unfavourable circumstances such as bad illumination bad reading position, lowered vitality, state of neurosis, mental stress or anxiety.

Clinical features of spasm of accomodation

Sign and symptoms

1. Defective vision due to induced myopia.

2. Asthenopic symptoms are more marked than the visual symptoms.

Diagnosis of spasm of accomodation

It is made with refraction under atropine.

Treatment of spasm of accomodation

1. Relaxation of ciliary muscle by atropine for a few weeks and prohibition of near work allow prompt recovery from spasm of accommodation.

2. Correction of associated causative factors prevent recurrence.

3. Assurance and if necessary psychotherapy.




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