Ophthalmic officer DHS Exam Question paper 2017 PDF

Ophthalmic officer DHS Exam Question paper 2017 pdf | नेत्र चिकित्सा अधिकारी परीक्षा प्रश्नपत्रिका 2017 

Ophthalmic officer DHS Exam question paper

1. Cylindrical lenses are given in

A) Myopia astigmatism 

B) Hypermetropia astigmatism

C) None of above

D) All of above.

2. Concave lens use to correct

A. Myopia.

B. Hypermetropia

C. Astigmatism

D. Pressbyopia

3. Through a convex lens object appears

A. Same size

B. Minified

C. Magnified.

D. None of the above

4. Any opacity in the lens is called as...

A. Glaucoma

B. Cataract.

C. Ulcer

D. All of the above

5. Cataract since birth is called as..

A. Congenital.

B. Senile

C. Acquired

D. None of above

6. Stye is also called..

A. External hordeolum.

B. Chalazion

C. Lid tumour

D. None of the above

7. Ptosis is ...

A. Stye

B. Drooping of lid.

C. A muscle

D. All of the above

8. For treatment of PCO procedure is..

A. Excision

B. Medicine

C. Yag laser

D. All of the above

9. An ansthetist in OT is required for..

A. Fumigation check

B. Eye surgery

C. For operative evaluation.

D. All of the above

10. Squint is a..

A. Convergence

B. Divergence

C. Both A and B.

D. None of the above

11. Snellens chart is used for 

A. Vision test Distance.

B. Refraction

C. Pressbyopia

D. Color blindness

12. Magnification of indirect of ophthalmoscope is..

A. Five.

B. Ten

C. Fifteen

D. Thirty 

13. Ophthalmoscope is used for examination of..

A. Conjunctiva

B. Cornea

C. Feild of vision

D. Posterior segment.

14. Normal intraocular pressure is 

A. 7-12 mm of Hg.

B. 10-50 mm of Hg

C. 1-10 mm of Hg

D. 20-40 mm of Hg

15. Patency of lacrimal passage is tested by...

A. Sac syringing.

B. Eye wash

C. Tonometry

D. All of the above

16. POAG is 

A. Primary open angle glaucoma.

B. Primary open Arc glaucoma

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

17. Allergic conjunctivitis is due to..

A. Dust

B. Pollen grains

C. Powder

D. All of the above.

18. Which of the following Ocular structure is transparent ?

A. Cornea.

B. Iris

C. Conjunctiva

D. None of the above

19. Which of the following is used for performing perimetry ?

A. Goldman perimeter.

B. Tangent screen

C. Octopus perimeter

D. All of the above

20. Distant direct ophthalmoscopy is perform with the help of...

A. Retinoscope

B. Direct ophthalmoscope.

C. All of the above

D. None of the above

21. The treatment of fungal corneal ulcer is..

A. Ciprofloxacine

B. Acyclovir

C. Natamycin.

D. Crocin 

22. Injury by sugarcane leaf will cause..

A. Viral corneal ulcer

B. Fungal corneal ulcer.

C. Both a and b

D. None of the above

23. PHACO is done to treat

A. Ulcer

B. Glaucoma

C. Cataract.

D. All of the above 

24. The follow up post of cataract patient is..

A. 7, 21, 40 days

B. 7, 14, 21 days

C. 7, 14, 40 days.

D. All of the above

25. EyeBall not used for transplantation is of..

A. Undergone cataract surgery

B. HIV positive patient.

C. Pregnancy included death

D. All of the above

26. An extra row of eyelashes is called as..

A. Trichiasis

B. Distichiasis.

C. Tylosis

D. Ptosis 

27. Which of the following is an indentation type of tonometer...

A. Airpuff

B. Schiorz.

C. Goldman

D. Pnematotonometer 

28. For testing distance vision the chart should be place approximately at a distance of...

A. 3 meter

B. 6 meter.

C. 8 meter

D. 10 meter 

29. Corneal astigmatism is a measure with the help of...

A. Keratometer.

B. Perimeter

C. Tonometry

D. Gonioscopy

30. All accommodation the pupil...

A. Constrict.

B. Dilates

C. Dilate and then constrict

D. None

31. Total blindness is..

A. Some light perception

B. No light perception.

C. All of the above

D. None of the above

32. Trachoma couses all complication except..

A. Trichiasis

B. Ptosis

C. Entropion

D. Squint.

33. Iridocyclities means..

A. Iritis

B. Cyclitis

C. Both a and b.

D. None of the above 

34. Episclerities is treated by...

A. Surgery

B. Steroid and decongestant.

C. Antibiotics

D. All of the above

35. Hall mark of viral keratitis is..

A. Dendrites

B. Loss of corneal sensation

C. Bloody hypopyon

D. All of the above.

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