optometry MCQ on disorder of ocular motility

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300+ TOP Eye Disorders MCQs Pdf [Quiz Test Questions]Ophthalmology and optometry MCQ on disorder of ocular motility

Ophthalmology and optometry MCQ on disorder of ocular motility

1. The muscle which makes an angle of about 51° with the optical axis is:

 A. Superior rectus 

B. Superior oblique 

C. Inferior rectus 

D. Lateral rectus 

2. The muscle which makes an angle of about 23° with the optical axis is: 

A. Superior oblique 

B. Superior rectus 

C. Inferior oblique 

D. Medial rectus

 3. Which of the following is not true for binocular single vision ?

 A. Provides stereoscopic vision 

B. Is present since birth 

C. Is the cause of diplopia in paralytic squint 

D. Fusion is its second grade 

4. Pseudoesotropia is associated with: 

A. Hypertelorism 

B. Positive angle kappa 

C. Negative angle kappa 

D. None of the above 

5. Pseudoexotropia is associated with: 

A. Prominent epicanthal fold 

B. Positive angle kappa 

C. Negative angle kappa 

D. None of the above 

6. Asthenopic symptoms are most marked with: 

A. Cyclophoria 

B. Hyperphoria 

C. Esophoria 

D. Exophoria 

7. All of the following are employed to evaluate a case of heterophoria except: 

A. Maddox-rod test 

B. Alternate cover test 

C. Measurement of fusional reserve

 D. Measurement of near point of convergence 

8. In heterophoria prism is used: 

A. With apex towards the direction of phoria in glasses for treatment 

B. With apex towards the direction of phoria for exercises only 

C. For exercises mainly in hyperphoria 

D . To detect grade III of binocular vision

9. Conjugate fixation reflex is established by the age of: 

A. 3 weeks 

B. 6 weeks 

C. 3 months 

D. 6 months 

10. An object located in the Panum’s area stimulates: 

A. Fusion 

B. Confusion 

C. Diplopia

 D. Stereopsis 

11. Strabismic amblyopia is more common in patients with: 

A. Intermittent squint

 B. Alternate squint 

C. Constant squint 

D. Latent squint 

12. Which of the following tests helps to differentiate between concomitant squint and paralytic squint?

 A. Cover-uncover test 

B. Direct cover test 

C. Alternate cover test 

D. None of the above 

13. All of the following lesions causing paralysis of extraocular muscles produce diplopia except:

 A. Nuclear lesions 

B. Lesions of nerve trunks 

C. Lesions of neuromuscular junction 

D. Lesions of supranuclear pathways 

E. None of the above

14. In paralytic convergent squint diplopia is: 

A. Homonymous 

B. Heteronymous 

C. Both of the above 

D. None of the above

15. The commonest cause of unilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia is: 

A. Diabetes mellitus 

B. Hypertension 

C. Multiple sclerosis 

D. Lead toxicity 

16. The common cause of bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia is: 

A. Multiple sclerosis 

B. Lead toxicity 

C. Diphtheria 

D. Diabetes mellitus 

17. Onset of stereopsis occurs at the age of: 

A. 3 to 5 months 

B. 1 to 2 years 

C. 5 years 

D. 7 years 

18. Uniocular diplopia occurs in all of the following except:

 A. Paralysis of inferior oblique 

B. Keratoconus 

C. Iridodialysis 

D. Incipient cataract 

19. A point that falls on horopter excites:

 A. Corresponding retinal points 

B. Crossed diplopia 

C. Confusion

 D. Stereopsis 

20. Convergence insufficiency is associated with all of the following except: 

A. Increase in accommodation 

B. General debility 

C. Refractive errors 

D. Wide interpupillary distance 

21. All of the following may be present in Duane’s retraction syndrome except: 

A. Limitation of abduction 

B. Narrowing of palpebral aperture in abduction

 C. Suppression 

D. Head turn 

22. Brown’s syndrome simulates paresis of:

A. Inferior oblique 

B. Superior oblique 

C. Superior rectus 

D. Inferior rectus 

23. In ‘A’-Esotropia the amount of deviation:

A. Increases in upward gaze and decreases in down gaze 

B. Decreases in upward gaze and increases in down gaze 

C. Increases in upward as well as downward gaze

 D. Decreases in upward as well as downward gaze 

24. In ‘V’-Exotropia amount of deviation: 

A. Increases in upward gaze and decreases in down gaze

 B. Decreases in upward gaze and increases in down gaze 

C. Increases in upward as well as downward gaze 

D. Decreases in upward as well as downward gaze 

25. In caloric test left jerk nystagmus occurs when: 

A. Cold water is poured in right ear 

B. Hot water is poured in right ear 

C. Cold water is poured in left ear 

D. All of the above 

26. Secondary deviation of the eye is based on the following law: 

A. Hering’s

 B. Listing’s 

C. Donder’s 

D. Sherrington’s 

27. Uncrossed diplopia is seen with: 

A. Esotropia

 B. Exotropia 

C. Exophoria 

D. Esophoria 

28. All are features of paralytic squint except: 

A. Unequal fixation 

B. Vertigo 

C. Amblyopia 

D. Abnormal head position 

29. Amplitude of accommodative convergence is: 

A. Altered by weak cycloplegics 

B. Altered by lenses and prisms

C. Decreased in older people 

D. Altered by orthoptics

30. Large angle Kappa gives rise to: 

A. Pseudo squint 

B. Manifest squint

 C. Latent squint 

D. Periodic squint 

31. Most uncommon type of latent strabismus is: 

A. Esophoria 

B. Exophoria

 C. Hyperphoria 

D. Cyclophoria 

32. In unilateral past pointing nystagmus the site of lesion is: 

A. Cerebellar hemisphere 

B. Lateral semicircular canal 

C. Flocculo-nodular lobe 

D. Superior semicircular canal 

33. Secondary deviation of the eye is an example of the following law:

 A. Herring’s

 B. Listing’s 

C. Sherrington’s 

D. Donder’s 

34. Action of right superior oblique muscle is:

 A. Dextrodepression 

B. Dextroelevation

 C. Laevoelevation 

D. Laevodepression 

35. The best treatment for correction of 15° nonaccommodative esotropia in a 5-year-old child is: 

A. Order refraction testing under atropine and full correction 

B. Synoptophore exercise 

C. Surgical alignment 

D. Occlusion patching 

36. In right-sided sixth nerve palsy all of the following are seen except: 

A. Convergent squint 

B. Right-sided abduction loss 

C. Diplopia on dextroversion 

D. Head turned to left

 37. For a new-born baby with squint surgery should be done at:

 A. 3-4 years 

B. Immediately 

C. 10-12 years 

D. 18-21 years 

38. Hirschberg test is used to detect:

 A. Squint

 B. Field defects 

C. Glaucoma 

D. Optic atrophy

 39. Miners nystagmus is of which type: 

A. Lateral

 B. Vertical 

C. Rotatory 

D. Can be of any type 

40. Down beat nystagmus could be due to: 

A. Cerebellar lesion 

B. Arnold-Chiari malformation 

C. All of the above 

D. None of the above 

41. Downward and lateral gaze is action of: 

A. Inferior oblique 

B. Medial rectus 

C. Superior oblique 

D. Lateral rectus

 42. Elevators of eye: 

A. SR and IO 

B. IO and SO 

C. IR and S 


 43. Yolk muscle pair is: 

A. Rt MR and Rt LR 

B. Rt MR and Lt LR 

C. Rt SO and Lt IO

 D. Rt SR and Lt SR 

44. Child with mild squint. Intrauterine, birth history, development history till date all normal. Corneal reflex normal. All other eye parameters normal except exaggerated epicanthal fold. Diagnosis:

 A. Pseudostrabismus 

B. Accommodative squint 

C. Exophoria 

D. Esophoria 

45. Which of the following best defines the “Saccade”:

 A. Voluntary slow eye movements 

B. Involuntary slow eye movement

 C. Abrupt, involuntary slow eye movements 

D. Abrupt, involuntary rapid eye movements 

46. A patient has a right homonymous hemianopia with saccadic pursuit movements and defective optokinetic nystagmus. The lesion is most likely to be in the :

 A. Frontial lobe 

B. Occipital lobe 

C. Parietal lobe

 D. Temporal lobe 

47. Weakness of both Adduction and Abduction to seen in: 

A. Duane’s Retraction Syndrome Type 1 B. Duane’s Retraction Syndrome Type 2 

C. Duane’s Retraction Syndrome Type 3 

D. All 

48. Dilator pupillae is supplied by: 

A. Post-ganglionic parasympathetic fibers from Edinger Westphal nucleus 

B. Post-ganglionic sympathetic fibers from cervical sympathetic chain 

C. IIIrd nerve 

D. Sympathetic fibers from fronto-orbital branch of V nerve

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