Optometry mcq and ophthalmology mcq part: 01

Optometry mcq and ophthalmology mcq part: 01

Optometry mcq and ophthalmology mcq part: 01

1.Retina develops from

  1. surface ectoderm
  2. mesoderm
  3. optic vesicle
  4. embryonic fissure

2. Muscles controlling pupil arise from

  1. mesoderm
  2. ectoderm
  3. endoderm
  4. none of the above

3. The avascular structure of eye is

  1. choroid
  2. lens
  3. conjunctiva
  4. ciliary body

4 . Aqueous humour is secreted by

  1. angle of anterior chamber
  2. choroid
  3. ciliary body
  4. iris

5. The mucoid layer of Tear film is produced b

  1. Meibomian glands
  2. Main lacrimal gland
  3. Accessory lacrimal glands
  4. Globlet cells

6. Main component of human lens

  1. Water
  2. Glucose
  3. Protein
  4. Ascorbate

7. During accommodation AC depth will

  1. Increase
  2. Decrease
  3. Remain same
  4. None

8. During accommodation Corneal curvature will

  1. Increase
  2. Decrease
  3. Remain same
  4. None

9. The junction of cornea and sclera is known as

  1. Trabecular meshwork
  2. ciliary body
  3. pupil
  4. limbus

10. The anterior and posterior chamber of the eye are separated by:

  1. Anterior Lens capsule
  2. Posterior Lens capsule
  3. Iris diaphragm
  4. Aqueous humour

11. The normal corneal diameter in adults ranges between:

  1. 10-11 mm
  2. 11-12 mm
  3. 12-13 mm
  4. 09-10 mm

12. Number of intraocular muscles in the eye

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 6

13. The globe is less protected hence vulnerable to injury from:

  1. Superiorly
  2. Laterally
  3. Inferiorly
  4. Posteriorly

14. Muscles controlling pupil arise from

  1. mesoderm
  2. ectoderm
  3. endoderm
  4. none of the above

15. The tear film consist of following except:

  1. Lipid.
  2. Mucus.
  3. Salts.
  4. Water.
  5. Glucose.

16. The weakest bony orbital wall is:

  1. Lateral.
  2. Medial.
  3. Floor.
  4. Roof.

17. Bruch’s membrane is located on

  1. Cornea
  2. Conjunctiva
  3. Iris
  4. Retina

18. The main veins draining the choroid  is:

  1. Orbital veins.
  2. Vortex veins.
  3. Posterior ciliary veins.
  4. Central retinal vein.

19. Function of ciliary body

  1. Accommodation
  2. Aqueous production
  3. Both
  4. None

20. The main depressor of the eyelids is:

  1. Levator
  2. Mueller’s muscle
  3. Inferior rectus
  4. Obicularis

21. All the following bones form part of orbit except:

  1. Greater wing of sphenoid.
  2. Frontal bone.
  3. Maxillary bone.
  4. Nasal bone.

22. Approximately power of cornea is?

  1. 60D 
  2. 43D
  3. 20D 
  4. 17D

23. Which of the following statement is false?

  1. horizontal diameter of cornea is greater than vertical diameter
  2. Peripheral thickness of cornea is greater than central thickness
  3. once destroyed, the Bowman's layer does not regenerate
  4. Megalocornea occurs due to raised IOP in infancy

24. The junction between sclera and cornea is known as?

  1. Arcus senilis
  2. Limbus
  3. Scleral spur
  4. Arlt's line

25. The cornea is supplied by _______ nerve.

  1. optic (I)
  2. Trochlear (IV)
  3. Trigeminal (V)
  4. abducen (VI)

26. Which of the following gland is not a part of conjunctiva

  1. Glands of Manz
  2. Glands of Krause
  3. Glands of Wolfring
  4. Glands of Zeis

27. Angle kappa–angle between the visual axis and

  1. Optical axis
  2. Fixation axis
  3. Central pupillary line
  4. None

28. Which of the following is not an intrinsic muscle in eye

  1. Sphincter pupillae
  2. Dilator pupillae
  3. Ciliary muscle
  4. Inferior oblique

29. Hyaluronic acid is found in ?

  1. Vitreous humor
  2. Synovial fluid
  3. Cartilage
  4. Cornea

30. Not a part of middle vascular coat of the eye

  1. Iris
  2. Choroid
  3. Ciliary body
  4. Lamina cribrosa

31. Optokinetic nystagmus test is done for measuring

  1. A. Nystagmus
  2. B. Squint
  3. C. Vision✓
  4. D. Field of vision

32. Preferential looking test is done for vision screening of

  1. A. Infants✓
  2. B. Young adults
  3. C. Geriatric
  4. D. Illiterate

33. Which of the following test is used for objective measurement of visual acuity

  1. A. Snellen's chart
  2. B. Visually evoked response✓
  3. C. Preferential looking test
  4. D. Logmar chart

34. Prism bar is used for measurement of

  1. A. Phorias
  2. B. Tropias
  3. C. Both ✓
  4. D. None

35. LASIK is done using

  1. A. Argon laser
  2. B. Diode laser
  3. C. Nd: YAG laser
  4. D. Excimer laser✓

36. Nd:YAG laser is used in treatment of

  1. A. Posterior capsule opacification
  2. B. Angle closure glaucoma
  3. C. Both✓
  4. D. None

37. Not a component of Nd:YAG laser

  1. A. Neodymium
  2. B. Yitrium
  3. C. Argon✓
  4. D. Garnet

38. Mechanism of excimer laser

  1. A. Photocoagulation
  2. B. Photodistruption
  3. C. Photoablation✓
  4. D. All the above

39. Laser used in management of open angle glaucoma

  1. A. Argon laser✓
  2. B. Diode laser
  3. C. Nd: YAG laser
  4. D. Excimer laser

40. Colour of Nd:YAG laser

  1. A. Red
  2. B. Green
  3. C. Blue
  4. D. Colourless✓

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